Audiovisual material

The websites and degree programme brochures of the HU contain a lot of audiovisual material. The HU is committed to asking anyone that is recognisable in this material for their prior consent. After all, a video or audio recording of a recognisable person is an example of personal data. To this end, we use a consent form. This form records the contact details of the relevant person in addition to their consent. The consent forms and the recordings are stored by us in accordance with the privacy legislation (GDPR).

We frequently make audio and video recordings during events. Considering an event can be somewhat chaotic by nature, we post announcements regarding our plans to make audio and video recordings at the event location. This way, we ensure no one is included in these recordings against their will. The notice announces the recording, the purpose of the recording and it contains a reference to the possibility to object to material published afterwards.

Of course, there may be a situation in which publication of the material for which consent was given is no longer desirable. In that case, the person involved can withdraw the consent given previously. Within 30 days at most, the HU will see to it that the recorded material and the consent form are removed from the recording archive. This means that its use in new publications is ruled out. The recorded material that has already been published on the website will be replaced by us.

Recorded material that has already been sent by email or publications in print can unfortunately no longer be recalled.


The HU retains the consent forms and the recorded material no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which they were made. Once the retention period has expired, both the consent forms containing the contact details and the recorded material will be destroyed. Any publications in which the recorded material was used will be replaced. Here, too, we adhere to a maximum processing time of 30 days.

Recorded material that has already been sent by email or publications in print can unfortunately no longer be recalled.


We tried our best to trace all titleholders with regard to audiovisual material to the manifestations of HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. Anyone who thinks that their recognisable image or voice is used without prior consent is urged to contact us by email via

The sites and the buildings of HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht are equipped with cameras for surveillance. The aim of camera surveillance is to monitor the safety of persons, property and buildings in or of the HU. This form of surveillance is part of a raft of security measures.

Camera surveillance is expected to contribute to:

  • instil a sense of safety of persons working and studying there;
  • facilitate the investigation and prosecution of criminal offences;
  • the prevention of theft and vandalism.

The area in which these video images are stored is secure and only accessible to the manager and his deputy. The images are retained for a maximum of four weeks and only viewed if an incident occurred. The receptionists of the building only view live images. Camera surveillance is also announced on signs on the access roads.
Would you like to know more about the way in which HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht deals with camera surveillance? Please read the HU Camera Surveillance Regulations.


Final remarks

This text may be amended at all times. Changes in this text will be announced via the website. The changes come into force the moment they have been published on this website.

This text was last amended on 29 June 2021.