Taking care of your finances is an important part of student life. There are tuition fees, living costs and possible scholarships or student loans to consider.

Your tuition fee at HU depends on a number of factors, for example your nationality. Want to know which fee applies to you? Check the tuition fee calculator.

Tuition fees

If you are enrolled at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, you need to pay a tuition fee. The payment of your tuition fee is arranged through Studielinkexternal link.

Tuition fees may change year upon year, and no rights can be derived from the information below. Please go to the item tuition fees on this website in order to see how your fee is calculated. Curious about which fee applies to you? Check the tuition fee calculator or continue below.

Living expenses and other costs

A student living in the Netherlands needs about € 1,200 to € 1,500 a month to cover living expenses, such as housing, food and transportation. This includes insurances (in the Netherlands health insurance is mandatory). 

Additionally, you should budget approximately € 800 a year for books and other study materials, including your own laptop. For more details about your finances while living in the Netherlands, please refer to Study in NLexternal link

As an international student, you are allowed a part-time job to support yourself. Please check Working in the Netherlands for details.

Study finance

The Dutch government encourages its people to pursue a higher education. To this end, they have issued a product called "Student Financeexternal link" – or "Stufi" for short – comprising four components: a regular loanexternal link, a student travel product, a supplementary grantexternal link and a tuition fee loanexternal link. You always have to pay back the loans. The student travel product and grant are converted into a gift if you graduate within ten years, otherwise you have to repay those as well.

As an international student, your eligibilityexternal link depends on your nationality and residency status, your age and your chosen programme. If you think you meet the requirements, you can applyexternal link for Stufi.

Take your time going over the details, the Ministry for Education's DUOexternal link website can tell you all you need to know.

Video: Scholarship & funding for EU students

In a short video Study in NL gives you some useful tips about funding and scholarships options for EU students.

Watch the video on YouTube external link


For Bachelor students coming from outside the European Economic Area (EEA), there are several options for scholarships.

Video: Scholarship & funding for non-EU students

In a short video Study in NL gives you some useful tips about funding and scholarships options for non-EU students.

Watch the video on YouTube external link