Beyond Borders: What It Means to Be a Global Citizen

Do you value skills such as critical thinking, creativity, multi-perspectivity, intercultural learning and social engagement? Do you recognise that globalisation comes with many issues, such as displacement, sustainability, technical (moral) dilemmas and infectious diseases, which will impact your professional practice? Then join the exchange programme Beyond Borders: What It Means to Be a Global Citizen.

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Furthermore, are you interested in an exchange programme in which you learn from other disciplines (like health care, journalism, bioethics), cultures and practices in order to understand who you are or want to become in your personal and professional life? Do you enjoy experiential learning? In this programme you develop an increased awareness of the many connections between one’s personal and professional situation and conditions elsewhere.

Useful to know

Start September
Number of ECTS 30 Dutch Education System
Programme level Minor
Programme code OA-MINBILD-18
Language of instruction English
Year of study Year 3 or 4
Practical Matters Housing and Immigration
Location Padualaan 97 Utrecht

Course content

What do you need to enter this programme? And what can you expect when you apply? In this section you'll find all you need to know!

The exchange programme Beyond Borders focuses on ‘world citizenship’ as a way to cope with globalisations’ challenges; an awareness that extends beyond the borders of your local or national community. It’s about insight in (inter)national developments, empathy with and respect for people from other parts of the world, reflection on the many connections between one’s personal situation and conditions elsewhere, plus the readiness to draw personal conclusions from them.

The minor has two important streams: World citizenship and Bildung or personal development. It is all about your personal as well as professional position in society. You’ll work on an individual basis and in subgroups on practice-related assignments. Excursions and study trips are part of the programme.

During this programme, you will:

  • learn to understand and reflect on what it means to be a global citizen;
  • develop an understanding of how the challenges of globalisation, nationalism and religion influence our society and what that means for your profession;
  • become aware of the ethical and moral dimensions of world citizenship, by exploring the concept of (in)equality in current society;
  • experience what it means to be a world citizen through an international field trip to Berlin;
  • learn to apply your knowledge and skills regarding world citizenship in your professional and/or personal life by conducting a practice-oriented research project in block B. This project is an internship or traineeship of seven weeks, approximately two days a week, in an organisation of your own choice. You explore how the organisation and its professionals work with one of the themes of world citizenship and especially the UN sustainable development goals;
  • formulate learning objectives and reflect on how the programme has influenced your personal-professional development (past-present-future).

Would you like to know more about this programme or do you have a specific question? Please contact the programme coordinator, Jess Morrin.

In this exchange programme you work on an individual basis and in subgroups on practice-related study assignments. In Block A you will be introduced to various global issues, from a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approach, and we connect those global issues to your professional practice through excursions and other practice-oriented events. For example, field trips to an asylum seekers centre, Fort de Bilt and an international study trip to Berlin.

In Block B you will be given the opportunity to work on your own professional questions in an (international) organisation of your own choice (f.e. schools, press, companies) by exploring this organisation’s perspective regarding the theme of world citizenship. This programme also gives you the opportunity to explore your learning questions in an professional practice abroad.

The programme takes place during one semester and contains the following courses:

Block A

Module Course Module Title
A The world around you. About world citizenship. 5
B Learning to live together. Nations, nationalism and religion in a globalised era. 5
C Global inequality. The main challenges of our time – a human rights perspective. 5

At the end of modules A, B and C, a joint international study trip to Berlin is organised.

Block B

Module Course Module Title ECTS
D Exploring the world around you. A practice-orientated study. 7.5
E Personal-professional development. New perspectives for changing times. 2.5
F Global Challenges

In our Course Guides you can find all relevant information about the course in one practical document. You can download it here for your convenience.

You need to have at least a propaedeutic diploma (issued after the first year of university studies).

The level of language proficiency necessary to participate in the minor is English CEFR level B1.

If you have questions regarding English proficiency, you can contact the programme coordinator, Jess Morin.

Please note: You may be asked to take a language assessment test before the start of the programme. If your English language skills are below the required level, you may not be able to enter the course, as you need to be able to actively participate in (parts of) the programme. In all cases, the programme manager makes the final decision.

Practical information

When you move to a different country to study, there are lots of things to arrange. For instance, where will you live, how much are the costs? Visit our practical information page to help you prepare your stay. It is also important to start arranging a living space as soon as possible. Our housing pages will help you on your way. A student living in the Netherlands needs about € 800 - 1000 a month to cover living expenses, such as housing, food and transportation. This includes insurances – health insurance is mandatory.

Find out how to apply

Ready for an international adventure?

Why Choose HU?

  • Become a global citizen

    This minor is about your personal as well as your professional position in society. It will improve your self-knowledge, you will learn from the perspective of the other and understand your personal responsibilities in this world.

  • Vibrant university city Utrecht

    Beautiful Utrecht has lots of young people and excellent facilities for student life. It has a mediaeval city centre which is small enough to explore by foot or bicycle.

  • Benefits of the Utrecht Science Park Campus

    On Utrecht Science Park (USP) you'll find the universities' buildings, student housing, cafés, a sports centre, and much more. With excellent transport links to Utrecht city centre and beyond.

  • Inspiring international setting

    HU supports your ambitions. During your time in Utrecht, you will meet students from all over the world and make connections to last a lifetime.

Three students standing amongst the tulips in front of the colourful facade of a building

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