Did you explore the study programmes on our website and read the information brochures? And did you find the right programme for you? Then you are ready to apply! The Programme Selection Check is part of our admissions procedure.

Please note: E-mails about the Programme Selection Check sometimes end up in the spam folder. Be sure to check it regularly so you don't miss any important information!

What are the requirements for the Programme Selection Check?

The Programme Selection Check is mandatory for enrolment in the propaedeutic phase of a full-time Bachelor, dual or Ad study programme without (decentralised) selection. For prospective students not living in the Netherlands it consists of an online intake and an online programme selection consult. After the Programme Selection Check you will receive a non-binding advice about your enrolment.

The digital intake is the only mandatory part of the Programme Selection Check. You have the option of a Skype interview with the programme coordinator, but this is not compulsory unless the programme itself insists on conducting this interview.

An important part of the digital intake is a questionnaire called the LOB-CV (study career resume). You have to upload this questionnaire separately, after which you can indicate via the digital intake whether you want to conduct a study choice consultation with the study programme.

Please note: Did you apply for multiple programmes at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht? Then you need to complete the Programme Selection Check or (decentralised) selection for all degree programmes separately.

What do I need to do?

  • After your application in Studielink, you are asked to fill out a questionnaire (part one of the Programme Selection Check). We ask questions about your competencies, interests and motivation. We also ask you about the orientation activities you already undertook. It is important that you complete your digital intake within two weeks of applying. At the end of the  questionnaire, you'll receive more information about the online consult.
  • Within three weeks of the Programme Selection Check, you'll receive an e-mail with our advice, usually consisting of one of the following:
    • We see a definite match between you and the programme of your choice;
    • We see a match, but also a few points of attention;
    • We do not see a match between you and the programme of your choice.

Please note that this advice is non-binding. This means that it's still up to you whether you complete the application process and start your programme.



  • Keep an eye on the application deadlines and be sure to complete your questionnaire within two weeks of your enrolment via Studielink.
  • The first digital intakes will be sent as of February. For study programmes with a limited number of places ('numerus fixus') that have a decentralised selection process, the application deadline is 15 January.
  • Exemption groups:
    Some students may apply to a study programme up to 31 August:
    • Those who change their programme choice: students that already have applied for a study programme before the 1 May deadline and want to apply to a different programme.
    • Switchers: students enrolled in the current academic year, who apply to a different study programme for the upcoming academic year.
      Please note that you still need to participate in the Programme Selection Check of the programme you are changing to!
  • Do you have any questions about the Programme Selection Check? Please e-mail us at info@hu.nl.

Please note: HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht feels that every student should receive proper guidance during their academic career. Therefore, the answers from the digital intake and the advice sent to you will be saved in your personal student file. Your student counsellor will be able to use this information to help you with any questions or issues during your studies.