Clear Government Communication
Many people find it difficult to understand official information from the government, such as texts on websites and in formal letters. In this project, we explore how AI-based technology can help civil servants to communicate in a “clear language”, which is accessible for everybody.
The project aims to support the public sector in responsible application of AI for simplification of government communication. Through the development of criteria for clear language, we aim to provide an answer to the responsible use of AI in this domain.
Effect for education, business and other research
We expect to answer the following questions:
- What is clear government communication?
- What are the challenges that civil servants face in their current communication with citizens and how can technology help?
- Can such technology be implemented in a responsible and ethical manner?
01 October 2024 - 30 September 2026
We work with use cases that our government partners give us. For each use case, we formulate the challenges and requirements for a solution. We evaluate the text simplification prototypes we design in practice with our partners.
Co finance
This project is part of the SIA RAAK project of the HvA (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences):
HU researchers involved in the research
Collaboration with knowledge partners
Hogeschool van Amsterdam Hogeschool van Amsterdam: hbo studeren en onderzoeken | HvA
Hogeschool van Rotterdam Hogeschool Rotterdam - Maak de toekomst met een van onze opleidingen - Hogeschool Rotterdam