Cyber Stories - Online Hate Speech
The aim of this project is to make young people aware of the negative effects of online hate speech by means of video workshops and to teach them to recognize hate speech and deal with it appropriately.
This project will produce the following results:
- Teaching materials and workshops on hate speech
- An interactive game about hate speech
- A continuous learning line on hate speech (from practical to pre-university, all levels and years)
01 December 2019 - 30 June 2022
After researching online hate speech, teaching materials and a workshop will be developed. After running a pilot, the workshops will be rolled out to a total of around 6,000 pupils. We will measure the effect of the workshops with the aid of learning analytics, observations and interviews.
HU researchers involved in the research
Collaboration with partners
Within the HU we are working together with the "Instituut voor Ecologische Pedagogiek".
This project is being carried out with TMI Academy
This project is funded by the Ministry of Justice and Security