English in primary education

For this project we make an inventory of factors that may influence the English learning outcomes of primary school pupils. These include the (language) didactic skills of the teachers responsible for the course, the existing language skills of pupils and the positioning of the English school subject in the curriculum. This research is carried out in preparation for a NRO survey on English in primary education.

Aim and Results 

The aim of this literature review is to provide an overview of modifiable factors that have an effect on the performance concerning the school subject English of pupils in group 8 of primary education.

The insights gained can be used by teachers, educational professionals and policy makers to improve English in primary education.

The research includes a systematic international literature study on modifiable factors that can contribute to achieving the learning objectives for all relevant language skills within the school subject English. 


01 February 2023 - 12 October 2023

HU researchers involved in the research

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"To advocate early foreign language education in the Netherlands, it is necessary to gain insights into the factors that have an effect on the end level of English in primary education."

Linda Gijsen

Senior Researcher