MKB Gamechangers – GDPR Pitstop: tool for game developers

Games sometimes deal with the healthcare of children, which almost always processes special personal data (i.e. about health) of vulnerable people (i.e. children).  It is crucial that the games adhere to the GDPR.  Our tool helps with that.


Teaching game developers about GDPR guidelines and raising GDPR awareness  so that they can develop their child care games (where they collect special personal data from vulnerable persons) within the limits of the law.


With the help of the GDPR Pitstop, a game developer can always check whether everything is still in accordance with the GDPR during the game development process.  The results of the game provide concrete indications on where there is still work to be done when it comes to data.

The GDPR-tool is free and can be found via this link: AVG Tool - GDPR PITSTOPexternal link We are currently working on translating the tool to English!


01 September 2021 - 01 June 2022


The GDPR Pitstop was created in co-creation with game developers and GDPR experts.  The challenge was to find the best possible balance between what is legally correct and what is still understandable in ordinary language.

Relevance/impact of the project

The Dutch game industry consists of many small parties that develop games on commission, including healthcare games.  Some of these game developers know little about the GDPR and have insufficient financial resources to purchase expertise in the development process.  For that reason, they try to avoid the use of data as much as possible, but notice that some clients have a good reason for collecting data.

 The GDPR Pitstop aims to strengthen game developers in data literacy and legal awareness in relation to the GDPR legislation and to make it accessible.  The tool enables the developer to perform a quick scan and a deep scan during the development of the game and receive recommendations in understandable language.  In this way, the game can be adapted to the requirements of the GDPR during the development process.


HU researchers involved in the research

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