Multilingual assessment of the mathematical proficiency of newly arrived children - Multi-Assessment

Multi-Assessment focuses on multilingual assessment of newly arrived children in mathematics education, in both reception schools and regular primary schools. By exploiting home languages in evaluation, Multi-Assessment opts to make better use of newcomers’ potential, thereby increasing their opportunities in math education and their school careers. The research group Multilingualism and Education conducts its research together with the Seminary of Orthopedagogics, and, among others, the research group Mathematical and analytical competence of professionals.


In the Multi-Assessment project, we aim to develop and test innovative assessment forms (summative and formative), in collaboration with educational professionals. Societal and scientific partners will think along with us. In our approach, the use of home languages is a central point of departure.


  • Insight into assessment formats that provide a better picture of both the performance and the potential of newcomer children
  • Inspiring examples and descriptions of multilingual assessment formats
  • Insight into opportunities and obstacles that educational professionals experience with respect to multilingual assessment of newly arrived students
  • Adjustments in the curriculum of the Master Educational Needs (SVO - Seminary for Orthopedagogics), based on the project’s findings

The results of this project, including the rich descriptions of examples from the five contributing schools, are published in "Nieuwe meertalige toetspraktijken in het rekenonderwijs" (Dutch). Read more about this publication here.


01 September 2021 - 31 August 2023

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In the first phase of the project, a group of educational professionals participates in a professional development program on multilingual assessment. In the second phase, these professionals develop innovative forms of multilingual assessment for their own contexts, in co-creation with the researchers involved.

HU researchers involved in the research

  • Jantien Smit | professor | Multilingualism and Education
    Jantien Smit
    • Professor
    • Research group: Multilingualism and Education
  • Marian van Popta | researcher | Multilingualism and Education
    Marian van Popta
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Multilingualism and Education

Catherine van Beuningen (associate professor Language education and Multilingualism) is involved in this project from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

Related research groups

Collaboration with social partners

Would you like to collaborate or do you have any questions?

Marian van Popta | researcher | Multilingualism and Education

Marian van Popta

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Multilingualism and Education