Playing together
Playing together is essential for the development of all children. Furthermore, outdoor play is a key contributor to a physically active lifestyle. Unfortunately, children with disabilities spend little time playing outside, and children with and without disabilities rarely play together. In this project, we aim to improve inclusive outdoor play.
- Overview of current inclusive outdoor play behavior and existing barriers and facilitators
- A toolkit aimed at promoting inclusive play focusing on the physical environment
- A toolkit aimed at promoting inclusive play focusing on the social environment
- Evaluation of the usability and added value of the developed toolkits
- Enhancement and/or improvement of design capabilities among paediatric therapists
01 September 2022 - 31 August 2026
Through participatory action research, pediatric therapists, children (with and without disabilities), parents, and other stakeholders collaborate with researchers and designers to develop two toolkits. Traditional and systematic research methods from healthcare, such as observation and activity monitoring, are continuously combined with creative, generative research and design methods from the design field in a complementary manner.
HU researchers involved in the research
Collaboration with knowledge partners
SBH Nederland
DOCK Utrecht
Empowerment by playing
Ergotherapie Nederland
Expertisecentrum De Kleine Prins
Fysiodomestic Oosterhout
Gemeente Oosterhout
Gemeente Utrecht
Stichting het Gehandicapte Kind (NGSK)
Het Kasteel Speciaal Onderwijs Breda
Hogeschool van Amsterdam, lectoraat ergotherapie, participatie en omgeving
Jantje Beton
Kenniscentrum Sport en Bewegen
MOOVE Oosterhout
Mytylschool Ariane de Ranitz Utrecht
NVFK (Nederlandse vereniging Kinderfysiotherapie)
Platform Ruimte voor de Jeugd
Praktijk voor kinderfsyiotherapie en kinderergotherapie Jan van Rijn
RC De Hoogstraat
Stichting Revant Medisch Specialistische Revalidatie
Stichting Fitkids
TU Delft, faculteit industrieel ontwerp
UMCU, WKZ, kinderbewegingscentrum
UMCU, Divisie hersenen, revalidatie, fysiotherapiewetenschap en sport
Universiteit Utrecht, Sociale geografie en planologie
Universiteit Utrecht, Dynamics of Youth/Healthy Play Better Coping
Vereniging Nederlandse Gemeenten
Vereniging Sport en Bewegen
Wheelchair skills team
Regulier onderwijs De Krullevaar speel-leerschool
Regulier onderwijs De Beiaard Oosterhout