Be Sensible: Emotions in Social Work Ethics and Education

Authors Sabrina Keinemans
Published in British Journal of Social Work
Publication date 2014
Research groups Living and Wellbeing
Type Article


Link naar full text voor HU medewerkers This article argues that emotions are relevant for moral decision-making and therefore social work ethics training and education should pay attention to emotions. The article starts with a short review of recent research on moral decision-making. This research indicates that emotions influence moral decision-making. The usefulness of emotions is then discussed, illustrating that emotions can be beneficial for moral decision-making. Although emotions are supposed to be partial, and not under the control of the moral agent, a variety of authors argue that emotions can also be informative and may act as a moral marker and motivator. Therefore, emotions are relevant to the process of moral decision-making, and social workers should reflect on the moral significance of their emotions. The article finally explicates two ways to address emotions in social work ethics and education: first, social workers should reflect on their moral identity and perform emotion work. This can be supported by in-depth learning, but also by using moral reflection tools or conversation models. Thus, second, several suggestions are offered to integrate reflection on emotions into these tools and models

Language English
Published in British Journal of Social Work
Year and volume Vol. 45 isssue 7
Key words Ethiek; Social Work
Page range 2176-2191

Living and Wellbeing