Co-designing behaviour change prototypes with paediatric physical therapists

Authors Anita van Essen, Sander Hermsen, Eline Bolster, Manon Bloemen, Remko van der Lugt, Christa van Gessel
Published in K. Christer, C. Craig & P. Chamberlain (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Design4Health, Amsterdam, 2020of the 6th International Conference on Design4Health, Amsterdam 2020. Editors: Kirsty Christer, Claire Craig & Paul Chamberlain
Publication date 1 July 2020
Research groups Co-design
Type Lecture


(‘Co’-)Designing for healthy behaviour greatly benefits from integrating insights about individual behaviour and systemic influences. This study reports our experiences in using insights about individual and systemic determinants of behaviour to inform a large co-design project. To do so, we used two design tools that encourage focusing on individual determinants (Behavioural Lenses Approach) and social / systemic aspects of behaviour (Socionas). We performed a qualitative analysis to identify 1) when and how the team applied the design tools, and 2) how the tools supported or obstructed the design process. The results show that both tools had their distinctive uses during the process. Both tools improved the co-design process by deepening the conversations and underpinnings of the prototypes. Using the Behavioural Lenses under the guidance of a behavioural expert proved most beneficial. Furthermore, the Socionas showed the most potential when interacting with stakeholders, i.c. parents and PPTs.

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Language English
Published in K. Christer, C. Craig & P. Chamberlain (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Design4Health, Amsterdam, 2020of the 6th International Conference on Design4Health, Amsterdam 2020. Editors: Kirsty Christer, Claire Craig & Paul Chamberlain
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:9781838111700
Key words Co-design, behaviour change, social systems, participatory design, Physical therapists
Page range 59-67

Anita van Essen