Authors Rebecca Stower, Mike E.U. Ligthart, Micol Spitale, Natalia Calvo-Barajas, Simone de Droog
Published in Proceedings HRI '23
Publication date 13 March 2023
Research groups Human Experience & Media Design
Type Lecture


Several recent works in human-robot-interaction (HRI) have begun to highlight the importance of the replication crisis and open science practices for our field. Yet, suggestions and recommendations tailored to child-robot-interaction (CRI) research, which poses it's own additional set of challenges, remain limited. There is also an increased need within both HRI and CRI for inter and cross-disciplinary collaborations, where input from multiple different domains can contribute to better research outcomes. Consequently, this workshop aims to facilitate discussions between researchers from diverse disciplines within CRI. The workshop will open with a panel discussion between CRI researchers from different disciplines, followed by 3-minute flash talks of the accepted submissions. The second half of the workshop will consist of breakout group discussions, where both senior and junior academics from different disciplines can share their experiences of conducting CRI research. Through this workshop we hope to create a common ground for addressing shared challenges in CRI, as well as identify a set of possible solutions going forward.

Language English
Published in Proceedings HRI '23
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-1-4503-9970-8
Key words Robotics, child robot interaction, experimental design, interaction design, interdisciplinary science, meta-science, open science, qualitative research
Digital Object Identifier https://doi-org/10.1145/3568294.3579955
Page range 926-928

Human Experience and Media Design