DARTpaths, an in silico platform to investigate molecular mechanisms of compounds

Authors Diksha Balla, Marvin Steijaert, Eefje Poppelaars, Marc Teunis, Monique van der Vloet, Marie Corradi, Elisabeth Dévière, Luuk Noothout, Wilco Tomassen, Martijn Rooseboom, Richard Currie, Cyrille Krul, Raymond Pieters, Vera van Noort, Marjolein Wildwater
Published in Bioinformatics
Publication date 2023
Research groups Innovative Testing in Life Sciences and Chemistry
Type Article


Summary: Xpaths is a collection of algorithms that allow for the prediction of compound-induced molecular mechanisms of action by integrating phenotypic endpoints of different species; and proposes follow-up tests for model organisms to validate these pathway predictions. The Xpaths algorithms are applied to predict developmental and reproductive toxicity (DART) and implemented into an in silico platform, called DARTpaths.

On this publication contributed

  • Marc Teunis | Associate Professor | Research Group Innovative Testing in Life Sciences & Chemistry
    Marc Teunis
    • Associate professor
    • Research group: Innovative Testing in Life Sciences and Chemistry
  • Marie Corradi | Researcher | Lectorate Innovative Testing in Life Sciences and Chemistry
    Marie Corradi
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Innovative Testing in Life Sciences and Chemistry
  • Cyrille Krul
    Cyrille Krul
    • Professor
    • Research group: Innovative Testing in Life Sciences and Chemistry
  • Raymond Pieters | Professor | Research group Innovative Testing in Life Sciences & Chemistry
    Raymond Pieters
    • Professor
    • Research group: Innovative Testing in Life Sciences and Chemistry

Language English
Published in Bioinformatics
Year and volume 39 1
Key words developmental and reproductive toxicology (DART), algorithms, software

Innovative Testing in Life Sciences and Chemistry