Enhancing products by embedding agents

Authors Leo Moergestel, van, John-Jules Meyer, Hielke Veringa, Robbert Proost, Matthijs Grünbauer, Erik Puik, Daniël Telgen, Hendrik Folmer
Published in Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Publication date 1 January 2014
Type Book


Author provided: Monitoring of computernetworks, complex technical systems like aeroplanes is common practice. In this article the use of a monitoring agent in an arbitrary product is discussed. The product itself could be any product with sucient hardware capabilities. The focus is on the product enhancement by adding an embedded agent. This so-called product agent can represent the product in the internet of things and it can also be a member of a multiagent system. In this way exchange of parts and subsystems is possible. The possibilities and advantages of this concept are discussed as well as a more elaborate example of the implementation in an experimental discovery robot. DOI: 10.1007/9783662444399

Language English
Published in Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-3-662-44440-5
Key words Agents, monitoring agent, product life cycle
Page range 115-130
