Family participation in physiotherapy-related tasks of critically ill patients: A mixed methods systematic review

Authors Lotte van Delft, Karin Valkenet, Arjen Slooter, Cindy Veenhof
Published in Journal of Critical Care
Publication date 2021
Research groups Innovation of Movement Care
Type Article


Purpose: Providing an overview of studies on family participation in physiotherapy-related tasks of critically ill patients, addressing two research questions (RQ): 1) What are the perceptions of patients, relatives, and staff about family participation in physiotherapy-related tasks? and 2) What are the effects of interventions of family participation in physiotherapy-related tasks? Material and methods: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods articles were identified using PubMed, Embase and CINAHL. Studies reporting on family participation in physiotherapy-related tasks of adult critically ill patients were included. A convergent segregated approach for mixed-methods reviews was used. Results: Eighteen articles were included; 13 for RQ1, and 5 for RQ2. The included studies were quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method, including between 8 and 452 participants. The descriptive studies exhibit a general appreciation for involvement of relatives in physiotherapy-related tasks, although most of the studies reported on family involvement in general care and incorporated diverse physiotherapy-related tasks. One study explored the effectiveness of family participation on a rehabilitation outcome and showed that the percentage of patients mobilizing three times a day increased. Conclusion: Positive attitudes were observed among patients, their relatives and staff towards family participation in physiotherapy-related tasks of critically ill patients. However, limited research has been done into the effect of interventions containing family participation in physiotherapy-related tasks.

On this publication contributed

  • Cindy Veenhof portret
    Cindy Veenhof
    • Professor
    • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care

Language English
Published in Journal of Critical Care
Key words Critical care, family, support, empowerment, rehabilitation, Physiotherapy
Page range 49-57

Innovation of Movement Care