Increasing (Corporate) Responsibility to the use of Animals in R&D

Authors Cyrille Krul, D. Kegler, Marc Teunis
Publication date 1 August 2014
Research groups Innovative Testing in Life Sciences and Chemistry
Type Report


This short paper describes a workshop on “Establishing criteria for an independent 3R-index: Access to 3Rs” and the corporate responsibility of industry for the use of animals in testing. 28 August 2014 Prague, at the World Congress on Alternatives Animal Use in the Life Sciences

On this publication contributed

  • Cyrille Krul
    Cyrille Krul
    • Professor
    • Research group: Innovative Testing in Life Sciences and Chemistry
  • Marc Teunis | Associate Professor | Research Group Innovative Testing in Life Sciences & Chemistry
    Marc Teunis
    • Associate professor
    • Research group: Innovative Testing in Life Sciences and Chemistry

Language English
Key words Animal testing, 3r methods

Cyrille Krul

Cyrille Krul

Cyrille Krul

  • Professor
  • Research group: Innovative Testing in Life Sciences and Chemistry