Initiating a Common European Numeracy Framework

Authors Kees Hoogland, Marlies Auer, Javier Diez-Palomar, Niamh O'Meara, Mieke van Groenestijn
Publication date February 2019
Research groups Mathematical and analytical competence of professionals
Type Lecture


This paper is a discussion paper to support an Erasmus+ project with the name Common European Numeracy Framework (CENF) (for adults) which will start at the end of the year 2018. In the first months of 2019 the team with participants from The Netherlands, Austria, Spain and Ireland will be in the process of collecting European examples of numeracy practices and current numeracy frameworks. At the conference we will show the results of this collection to date and the initial outline of a tentative CENF. We intend to spark comments, suggestions and insights from the participants of TWG07 - Adults Mathematics Education - to enrich the collection and as feedback on the initial outline of the CENF. Another aim is to create a network of national or regional stakeholders which will support the development of a shared framework for numeracy goals and numeracy education for adults in the 21st century.

On this publication contributed

  • Kees Hoogland
    • Professor
    • Research group: Mathematical and analytical competence of professionals

Kees Hoogland

Kees Hoogland

  • Professor
  • Research group: Mathematical and analytical competence of professionals