iPads and Tablets: Neither Saviours Nor Killers of Print Media

Authors Dr Piet Bakker
Publication date 2011
Research groups Quality Journalism in Digital Transition
Type Lecture


New electronic tablet devices are often referred to as either saviours of newspapers or killers of traditional print media. These crude statements are based on a naive concept of media substitution and an overestimation of the actual use of new media for news consumption. It is much more likely that substitution will be marginal, and that the potential is much more in giving existing readers more options while attacking new users. Publishers should treat tablet devices as options, concentrating on issues like business models, free, freemium, sponsored and paid content, DRM, in-app payment models, partnerships, user-generated content, design and interface options. Academic research on the use of tablets is not yet available as these devices are not available on a massive scale, only appearing on the market since the spring of 2010, but experiences by many publishers of newspapers and magazines already provide us with enough material to map possibilities and no-go areas for publishers of news content

Language English

Quality journalism in Digital Transition