Journalistic Storytelling for Complexity

Authors Jorge Vázquez-Herrero, Yael de Haan
Published in Total Journalism
Publication date 2022
Research groups Quality Journalism in Digital Transition
Type Book


The evolution of digital media has fostered the emergence of new and adapted forms of storytelling. Journalism combines classic narrative resources with technology and interactive strategies to inform, explain and represent reality. After an initial stage of adaptation and experimentation, it is necessary to reflect on the contribution of the new formats to contemporary, quality journalism for new active audiences. This chapter summarizes the evolution of digital journalistic narrative to identify the differentiating elements that have come from the intersection of documentary and journalism, as well as the new approaches that have arisen from immersive technologies. A panoramic vision will allow us to establish a roadmap to advance the production and research of storytelling for a complex world.

On this publication contributed

  • Yael de Haan
    Yael de Haan
    • Professor
    • Research group: Quality Journalism in Digital Transition

Language English
Published in Total Journalism
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-3-030-88027-9
Key words Journalistieke vaardigheden (Journalistic skills), storytelling
Page range 29-40

Quality journalism in Digital Transition