Locked out in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Evictions Due to Rent Arrears in Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden

Authors Lia van Doorn, Susanne Gerull, Sten-Åke Stenberg
Published in European Journal of Homelessness
Publication date 2011
Type Article


Although evictions are a significant cause of homelessness they have received relatively little interest from social scientists. International data are scarce and there are few descriptions of the processes leading to evictions. This paper attempts to shed some light on this under-researched issue. First, an attempt is made to develop a theoretical framework placing evictions in the intersection between civil and social citizenship, and the importance of distinguishing between the macro- and micro- levels in the analysis of evictions is underlined. Secondly, three specific countries are studied: Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. The legal basis for evictions, eviction procedures, and the possibilities for avoiding homelessness arising from rent arrears are presented and compared.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in European Journal of Homelessness
Year and volume 2011 2
Page range 39-60

Lia van Doorn

Lia van Doorn | Professor | Research group Innovative Social Services

Lia van Doorn

  • Professor
  • Research group: Living and Wellbeing