Maker Education
Authors | Gerald van Dijk, Arjan van der Meij, Elwin Savelsbergh |
Published in | P. J. Williams & D. Barlex (Eds.), Pedagogy for Technology Education in Secondary Schools: Research Informed Perspectives for Classroom Teachers |
Publication date | 2020 |
Type | Book |
Over the past decade, the maker movement and in its slipstream maker education have attained worldwide popularity among educators, politicians, and the media. Makers’ enthusiasm for creative design and construction, using old and new tools has proven contagious, and is worth exploration and critical reflection by the community of engineering and technology education (ETE). This chapter describes what has been said about “making” by philosophers and educators; what maker education is, and what is new and not so new about it; why it has gained momentum; what the evidence is about its effectiveness and its possible weaknesses; and how mainstream technology education may benefit from maker education. This chapter concludes with ideas for a research agenda.