Pedagogic practices in healthcare placements

Authors Lieke Ceelen
Publication date 2024
Research groups Vocational Education
Type Doctoral Thesis


This dissertation presents the results of a research project on unraveling the dynamics of facilitating workplace learning through pedagogic practices in healthcare placements. Supervisors are challenged to foster safe learning opportunities and fully utilize the learning potential of placement through stimulating active participation for students while ensuring quality patient care. In healthcare placements, staff shortages and work pressure may lead to stress when facilitating workplace learning. Enhancing pedagogic practices in healthcare placements seems essential to support students in challenging experiences, such as emotional challenges. This dissertation proposes approaches for optimizing learning experiences for students by highlighting the value of day-to-day work activities and interactions in healthcare placements, and shedding light on agency in workplace learning through supervisor- and student-strategies.

On this publication contributed

  • Lieke Ceelen
    Lieke Ceelen
    • PhD candidate
    • Research group: Vocational Education

Language English
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-94-6469-956-2
Key words healthcare placements, workplace learning, pedagogic practices, learning experiences

Lieke Ceelen

Lieke Ceelen

Lieke Ceelen

  • PhD candidate
  • Research group: Vocational Education