Policy for a Circular Economy in the Northwest European (NWE) region

Authors Evert-Jan Velzing, Malou van der Vegt, Martijn Rietbergen, Ulrike Kirschnick, Hjalka Biernat, Olivier Talon, Soumaya Lafqir, Russell Yates
Publication date 28 July 2021
Research groups Building Future Cities
Type Report


This document combines four reports on existing regional business support programmes for inclusion or understanding of circular economy (CE) objectives, deliverable DT3.1.2 from the transform-CE project. Besides a general overview on national and regional level, the focus is on a selection of national and regional programmes aimed at the plastics industry. After explaining the format to structure the programmes, the results for the four regions are presented: Greater Manchester (UK), Rhineland Palatinate and North-Rhine Westphalia (DE), Wallonia (BE), Central Netherlands (NL).

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Language English
Key words Circular economy

Evert-Jan Velzing

Building Future Cities