Putting Decision Mining into Context

Authors Sam Leewis, Koen Smit, Martijn Zoet
Published in R. Agrifoglio et al. (eds.), Digital Business Transformation, Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation 38
Publication date 17 September 2020
Research groups Digital Ethics
Type Article


The value of a decision can be increased through analyzing the decision logic, and the outcomes. The more often a decision is taken, the more data becomes available about the results. More available data results into smarter decisions and increases the value the decision has for an organization. The research field addressing this problem is Decision mining. By conducting a literature study on the current state of Decision mining, we aim to discover the research gaps and where Decision mining can be improved upon. Our findings show that the concepts used in the Decision mining field and related fields are ambiguous and show overlap. Future research directions are discovered to increase the quality and maturity of Decision mining research. This could be achieved by focusing more on Decision mining research, a change is needed from a business process Decision mining approach to a decision focused approach.

On this publication contributed

  • Sam Leewis
    Sam Leewis
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Digital Ethics
  • Koen Smit | Researcher | Research group Digital Smart Services
    Koen Smit
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Digital Ethics

Language English
Published in R. Agrifoglio et al. (eds.), Digital Business Transformation, Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation 38
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-3-030-47355-6
Key words Decision mining, data mining, Process mining, Business intelligence 
Digital Object Identifier https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-47355-6_3
Page range 31-46

Sam Leewis

Sam Leewis

Sam Leewis

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Digital Ethics