Soft skills of the chief security information officer

Authors Jeroen M.J. van Yperen Hagendoorn, Richard Smit, Patric Versteeg, Pascal Ravesteijn
Published in 34th Bled eConference Digital Support from Crisis to Progressive Change: June 27 – 30, 2021, Online Conference Proceedings
Publication date 27 June 2021
Research groups Process Innovation and Information Systems
Type Lecture


This study addresses the role of a Dutch chief information security officer (CISO) and the soft skills required in this leadership role. The overview of soft skills is the outcome of the CISO perspectives in a Delphi study combined with an analysis of soft skills mentioned in job ads. A comparison with an earlier US-based study revealed that soft skills are ranked differently by Dutch CISOs. Moreover, we found that soft skills are not clearly described in job ads – none of these ads had explicitly listed soft skills. The present study demonstrates that CISOs with soft skills are in demand. The development of soft skills starts at a young age through various social activities and is also the result of self-actuation. The practical implications of this study are that it offers insights into the soft skills required for the role and discusses best-fitting leadership styles and ways in which organisations should include soft skills in recruitment.

On this publication contributed

  • Pascal Ravesteijn | Professor | Process innovation and information systems
    Pascal Ravesteijn
    • Professor
    • Research group: Process Innovation and Information Systems

Language English
Published in 34th Bled eConference Digital Support from Crisis to Progressive Change: June 27 – 30, 2021, Online Conference Proceedings
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-961-286-385-9
Key words CISO, soft skills, leadership, self actuation, job ads, recruitment, business need
Digital Object Identifier 10.18690/978-961-286-485-9

Process Innovation and Information Systems