Stealing their beer time

Authors Aletta Smits, Annette Schenk, Lizet van Ewijk
Publication date 25 October 2020
Research groups Human Experience & Media Design
Type Lecture


Many health education programs use progress tests to evaluate students’ progress in learning and to identify possible gaps in the curricula. The tests are typically longitudinal and feedback-oriented. Although many benefits of the progress test have been described in the literature, we argue that the acclaimed facilitation of deeper learning and better retention of knowledge appear questionable. We therefore propose an innovative way of presenting both the test itself and the study process for the test: a real-time-strategy game with in-game challenges, both individual and in teams.

On this publication contributed

  • Lizet van Ewijk
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Speech and Language Therapy: Participation through communication

Language English
Key words progress tests, Gamification, allied health, education
Digital Object Identifier 10.4995/CARPE2019.2019.10189

Aletta Smits

Human Experience and Media Design