Structural Longevity of FPSO Hulls

Authors Mark Tammer, Miroslav Lech Kaminski
Published in AMS '14 Proceedings of the Int. Conference on Ageing of Materials & Structures
Publication date 28 May 2014
Type Article


Abstract: The key challenge of managing Floating Production Storage and Offloading assets (FPSOs) for offshore hydrocarbon production lies in maximizing the economic value and productivity, while minimizing the Total Cost of Ownership and operational risk. This is a comprehensive task, considering the increasing demands of performance contracting, (down)time reduction, safety and sustainability while coping with high levels of phenomenological complexity and relatively low product maturity due to the limited amount of units deployed in varying operating conditions. Presently, design, construction and operational practices are largely influenced by high-cycle fatigue as a primary degradation parameter. Empirical (inspection) practices are deployed as the key instrument to identify and mitigate system anomalies and unanticipated defects, inherently a reactive measure. This paper describes a paradigm-shift from predominant singular methods into a more holistic and pro-active system approach to safeguard structural longevity. This is done through a short review of several synergetic Joint Industry Projects (JIP’s) from different angles of incidence on enhanced design and operations through coherent a-priori fatigue prediction and posteriori anomaly detection and -monitoring.
