Time-out or switch?

Authors Drs. H.A. Velderman, Dr. H.A. Everaert
Publication date 2005
Type Report


Pupils with problem behaviours are challenging teachers as well as they are a challenge to teachers to find a way to teach them what curricula prescribe. Especially middle school teachers and those working in schools for special education are con-fronted with pupils with behavioural problems. There, teachers experience hard classes and find it difficult to fit classroom management with the pupils’ needs. In this paper we focus on two questions: • is pullout an effective treatment to handle problem behaviour? • do special classes have advantages for pupils who were pulled out or not? First we present a theoretical framework about pullout and we explicit our expectations. Then we describe the methods of our research in schools for special educa-tion during two months for students (N=759) when pulled out. We examined the reason of pulling out and the interactions during the process outside the classroom and the return. Because teachers noticed date and time of the removal, it was possible to use survival analysis to show the effects of the treatment. We found that pullout occurs under quite different circumstances, so the treatment integrity is a problem because deficiency of the intervention leads to repeated pullout. The data also showed that special classes for pupils who are pulled out seem to trigger and/or in-tensify the process itself. So, we conclude that these classes have a contra-productive effect.
