Towards an Enterprise Architecture Benefits Measurement Instrument

Authors Raymond Slot, Henk Plessius, Marlies van Steenbergen
Published in Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops
Publication date 27 May 2015
Research groups Artificial Intelligence
Type Book


Author supplied: Based on the Enterprise Architecture Value Framework (EAVF) - a generic framework to classify benefits of Enterprise Architecture (EA) - a measurement instrument for EA benefits has been developed and tested in a survey with 287 respondents. In this paper we present the results of this survey in which stakeholders of EA were questioned about the kind of benefits they experience from EA in their organization. We use the results of the survey to evaluate the framework and develop a foundation for the measurement instrument. The results of the survey show a moderate support for the assumptions underlying the framework. Applying ordinal regression, we derived sets of questions for ten out of the twelve classes in the framework. These sets constitute the first step in defining a final EA measurement instrument for establishing actual benefits in the classes of the framework.


On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-3-319-19243-7
Key words Value framework, Benefits, Benefits Measurement Instrument, Enterprise Architecture
Page range 363-374

Raymond Slot