Ultra low power temperature compensation method for palladium nanowire grid

Authors Erik Puik, J.F. van der Bent, C.J.M. van Rijn
Published in Procedia Engineering vol. 5
Publication date 5 September 2010
Type Lecture


From Science direct: One of the nanowires was covered with a 2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate based compound to prevent hydrogen from reaching the wire. The compound was dried by a UV source and tested in chamber for comparison with previous measurements. The results shows that temperature effects can be reduced by a digital signal processing algorithm without measuring temperature near or at the substrate. With this method no additional temperature probes are necessary making this solution a candidate for ultra low power wireless applications.

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Language English
Published in Procedia Engineering vol. 5
Key words Palladium, DEA, Amplifier, Ultra low power, Temperature compensation, DSP, Digital signal processing, Nanowire
Page range 184-187

Erik Puik
