VET students' integration knowledge engaged with in school-based and workplace-based learning environments in the Netherlands

Authors L.K.J. Baartman, N. Kilbrink, E. de Bruijn
Published in Journal of Education and Work
Publication date January 2018
Research groups Vocational Education
Type Article


In vocational education, students learn in different school-based and workplace-based learning environments and engage with different types of knowledge in these environments. Students are expected to integrate these experiences and make meaning of them in relation to their own professional knowledge base. This study focuses both on what types of knowledge students learn in these environments and how they integrate these different types of knowledge. Individual and group interviews were conducted with students, teachers and workplace supervisors in a vocational programme in the Netherlands. Results show that students recognise the importance of vocational knowledge learned in school-based learning environments while they are in the workplace and vice versa, and continuously contextualise knowledge to make it applicable for new circumstances. Also, students learn differently at school due to their experiences in the workplace.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Journal of Education and Work
Year and volume 31 2
Key words vocational education, contextualisation, workplace learning, school-based learning
Digital Object Identifier 10.1080/13639080.2018.1433821
Page range 204-217

Liesbeth Baartman