Visualizing news

Authors Gerard Smit, Yael de Haan, Laura Buijs
Published in Digital Journalism
Publication date 2014
Research groups Quality Journalism in Digital Transition
Type Article


Visualizing news is increasingly considered an apt way for dealing with two challenges of modern journalism: disclosing big data and presenting complex information in a way that is easy to comprehend. Newsrooms are trying their hand at it, and finding ways to organize the production of information visualizations effectively. This study delves into reported challenges for the production of news visualizations and suggests, in line with findings from the research case studies, that the introduction of information visualization in the media requires a convergence of journalistic and visual thinking skills, a more iterative news production process and a revised view of the function of news per se.

On this publication contributed

  • Yael de Haan
    Yael de Haan
    • Professor
    • Research group: Quality Journalism in Digital Transition

Language English
Published in Digital Journalism
Year and volume 2 3
Key words case study, data visualization, infographics, information visualization, multi-skilled journalists, newsroom studies
Page range 344-354

Yael de Haan

Yael de Haan

Yael de Haan

  • Professor
  • Research group: Quality Journalism in Digital Transition

Quality journalism in Digital Transition