Weaving in patterns into it infrastructure models

Authors Michael Pöttker, Roland Bijvank, Frank J. Frey
Published in Proceedings
Publication date 8 July 2015
Research groups Artificial Intelligence
Type Lecture


Author supplied, from ACM website: Architectural patterns are a helpful means for designing IT architectures, as they facilitate re-using proven knowledge (good practices) from previous exercises. Furthermore referencing a pattern in an architecture model helps improving the understandability of the model, as it directs to a comprehensive description of the pattern, but does not require to include the full description into the model. In this paper we describe how patterns can be woven into architecture models, focusing on deployment views of the IT infrastructure. Two different modeling approaches, Fundamental Modeling Concepts (FMC) and ArchiMate, are compared based on a real-world case concerning the infrastructure architecture of a large data center. This paper provides practical insights for IT architects from the industry by discussing the practical case and comparing both modeling approaches. Furthermore, it is supposed to intensify the exchange between industry experts and scientific researchers and it should motivate pursuing further research concerning patterns and IT infrastructure models.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Proceedings
Key words IT architecture, IT Architectuur

Roland Bijvank

Roland Bijvank

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence