Which value type promises more value in marketing communications?

Authors Ronald Voorn, Gerrita van der Veen, Thomas van Rompay, Ad Pruyn
Published in Abstract presented at the 25th edition of Etmaal, 2-3 February, University Twente
Publication date 2023
Research groups Marketing & Customer Experience
Type Lecture


This study is based on research focused on the importance of values in marketing communication. It looks into the effects of self-transcendent values as used by purpose brands, in comparison to self-enhancement values. In this context, values are important life goals on which the attitudes and actions of people in various situations are based. The results of an experiment (N = 1000) set up to this end show that self-transcendental values are considered to be more important than self-enhancement values. Also, the use of self-transcendental values leads, both directly and indirectly, to stronger perceived product quality, a more positive brand attitude and increased consideration to buy than the use of self-enhancement values. The indirect and positive effect of values on the dependent variables is the result of mediation through consumer brand identi cation. The current study complements previous research conducted into the importance of different value types in consumer behavior and provides new insights into which value type is more bene cial for purpose marketing efforts.

Language English
Published in Abstract presented at the 25th edition of Etmaal, 2-3 February, University Twente
Key words purpose marketing, values

Marketing and Customer Experience