Eline Belgraver


Eline Belgraver has been associated with the research group Value-oriented Professionalisation since mid-2017. In September 2019, she started on the PhD study ‘Zorg is mensenwerk: De ontwikkeling van een professionele identiteit en het daarmee samenhangende denk-, interpretatie- en handelingskader bij paramedici’ (‘Care is done by people: The development of a professional identity and the associated framework for reflection, interpretation and action among paramedics’).

Eline has a degree in Optometry and Orthoptics from the HU and has been working as an hbo lecturer within these programmes since 2001. She developed a passion for qualitative research while attending the Organisation, Culture & Management master’s degree programme at Utrecht University. In September 2019, she started on her PhD research, which combines this passion with her experience in the field of paramedicine.

Eline is interested in people and in what drives them in their work. She has come in contact with a variety of paramedical professions within the HU’s Healthcare domain, and sees both similarities and differences between them. She will be examining this subject further in her research into the personal aspects of paramedics’ professional identity.

Fields of expertise

  • Eye care, optometry and orthoptics
  • Qualitative research

Would you like to collaborate or do you have any questions?

Eline Belgraver

  • Lecturer-researcher
  • Research group: Value-oriented Professionalisation