Esther Molenaar

Esther Molenaar

PhD candidate

Esther Molenaar is a PhD candidate within the line of research ‘Innovation of movement care’ of the research group of the same name. She is a participant in the project ‘Samen sterk voor fysieke zelfredzaamheid’ (‘Standing strong together for physical self-reliance’), for which she studies the physical self-reliance of people in Utrecht neighbourhoods.

She is also a lecturer for the master's degree programme in Geriatric Physiotherapy.

Esther is a certified physiotherapist and also obtained her master’s degree in Physical Activity and Health at the University of Maastricht. Previously, she worked as a researcher at Radboud University Medical Center, where she conducted research on dual-task training in people with Parkinson's disease. She combines her research with a role as lecturer within the Parkinson network, in the area of motor skills learning and dual-task training.

Fields of expertise

  • Motor skills learning
  • M. Parkinson (Parkinson’s disease)
  • Physical self-reliance



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Esther Molenaar

Esther Molenaar

  • PhD candidate
  • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care