Eveline Wouters

Eveline Wouters

Eveline Wouters has been working for the Research Group Multilingualism and Education since 2020. Her main focus is language education for multilingual students. From a functional-communicative perspective, Eveline translates theory into the educational practice and the HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht Master Educational Needs.


Eveline combines her tasks for the research group with working for the Centre for Special Educational Needs, teaching and developing the Master Educational Needs, and consulting in the area of effective language-/reading education and policy on dyslexia – both in primary and secondary education. She is LIST and DENK! Lezen met begrip coach and teaches courses about language to multilingual students and courses about newcomer education.


  • Multilingualism
  • Reading in a multilingual context
  • Language-oriented education


"Language is part of our identity and extremely important to function in society. I am incredibly curious about both its theoretical framework and how this then translates into practice."

Eveline Wouters
