Famke van Lieshout

Famke is working as an associate professor at the research group ‘ Normative Professionalisation’ as of October 2023. She is involved in developing a research program in which connections are made between the concepts of normative professionalization, identity work, person-centredness, workplace culture and facilitation relationships. She also supervises PhD students and supports professional doctorate candidates (PD).

"I have a background in Nursing and Health Sciences. I conducted a PhD on facilitating action research in dynamic and complex practices and what this requires of a system of support. For quite some time I have been involved in the development of person-centered learning and working environments/cultures. I mainly use participatory action research."


  • Person-centeredness in care-, learn- and work- relationships
  • Action research
  • Professional identity

"For adequate responsiveness, the professional needs to (learn to) be grounded."

Famke van Lieshout

"I would like to see more space for different education. The ambition needs to go beyond just adjusting the curriculum and (re)training teachers, but rather needs to take into account the entire system (structures, processes and cultures). A person-centered curriculum aims to achieve this."

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Famke van Lieshout

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Normative Professionalisation