Guusje Jol


Guusje Jol (she/her) is a researcher at the Lectoraat Social Interaction in Public Spaces. She deploys her expertise in the field of language and social interaction for various research projects. 

She has a multi-disciplinary background in Dutch Law and Dutch Language and Culture (cum laude). She received her PhD (cum laude) in January 2020 for a dissertation about police interviews with child witnesses. She previously worked at the public prosecutor’s office, the Open University, Radboud University and Utrecht University. 

"The detailedness of human interaction and the relevance of these details never ceases to amaze me. Especially in interactions that matter. "

In my research, I challenge myself by doing complex research in a solid way, and by always striving to learn something new. I focus on how interactions are structured, and I like to share that knowledge. It is important to me to do research that is both theoretically and societally relevant. 


  • Conversation analysis, Discursive psychology 
  • Sensitive interactions 
  • Institutional/professional contexts 


    • Research group: Social Interaction in Public Spaces
    • 1 November 2023 - 31 October 2027

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Jol, G., van Charldorp, T., te Molder, H., & van Trommel, N. (2024). “Do you have questions?” How sequential placement shapes the uptake of question invitations in HPV vaccine treatment recommendations in the Netherlands. SSM-Qualitative Research in Health, 6, 100456. link 

Jol, G. & Stommel, W. (2023). Practicing ground rules in police interviews with child witnesses. Language in Society, 53: 445-469. doi: external link

Jol, G. & Stommel, W. (2021). The interactional costs of “neutrality” in police interviews with child witnesses. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 54( 3): 299–318 link