Kees Nuijten | Researcher | Research Group Literacy

Kees Nuijten


Dr. C. P. (Kees) Nuijten (1957) is a member of the research group Curriculum Development in Primary and Secondary Education since 2021. He conducts research into climate fiction, creative writing and reading motivation, with the aim to innovate curricula in teacher education programs (languages) and in secondary education.

Kees graduated in 1988 as literary scholar from Utrecht University, and obtained his PhD in 1999 at the University of Groningen (Freud en fictie, literaire genres vanuit psychoanalytisch perspectief, Amsterdam Boom, 2000). He is working at HU since 2005, and currently fulfills positions as senior lecturer teacher education in Dutch language and program coordinator of the Master’s program in that same subject.

Fields of expertise

  • Literary studies, literary psychology
  • Innovative literature didactics
  • Coaching educational research

Kees is member of the steering committee LOVM (Landelijk Overleg Educatieve Vakmasters) and chairman of LOVM Dutch language.  Previously, he was chief editor of Kennisbasis (knowledge base) masters Dutch language and a teacher in Dutch language in several schools for secondary education: Katholiek Lyceum (het Gooi, Laar en Berg, Laren NH), Montessori Lyceum Herman Jordan (Zeist), en Het Rijnlands Lyceum (Oegstgeest). 

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