Roelof Ettema

Roelof Ettema PhD is a nurse, nursing scientist, has a business administration background and is a clinical epidemiologist. He specializes in integration of care services and designing and organizing the personalization of care to citizens/clients/patients (CCPs) with complex healthcare and social care questions.

Dr. Roelof Ettema is member of the Research Group Research Competence, principal lecturer in the Institute of Nursing Studies, and is head of the professional doctorate training course 'Leadership in Complex Change' and the research group 'Personalised Integral Care'. Roelof is co-founder of and lecturer at the Master Integrated Care Design.


"Help everyone: students, clients, loved ones, use their talents and empower themselves."

Intro 2

Making the lives of our fellow human beings more beautiful by organizing healthcare and social care, instead of around financing systems and accountability, letting it to take place around the fellow citizen. This creates space to provide personalized care, exactly to what our fellow human beings need.

Fields of expertise

  • Personalizing care

  • Integrating healthcare services

  • Applied research methods for tackling ‘wicked problems’


Would you like to collaborate or do you have any questions?

Roelof Ettema

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Research Competence