How do you make ‘the law’ accessible to everyone? The Research group Access to Justice studies the bottlenecks in legal assistance and legal services. In doing so, we mainly look at new forms of low-level access, such as digital complaints procedures. We also study the legal skills of local professionals, the quality of alternative forms of conflict resolution and legal self-reliance.

Lines of research within the research group



Our research results are incorporated into practical education and training modules. In this way, we strive to improve the quality of services of social and legal professionals. This also serves to increase the accessibility of the legal system for all citizens.

The research group is involved in the honours modules Access to Law and Human Rights and sustainable development. Students from the honours module Access to Law made a collection of essaysexternal link (in Dutch) in which they investigated access to law and how it relates to social developments.

Two people sitting behind a laptop with a lawbook Director of the Social Basis Dordrecht and surroundings Anke Verkade-Bosman

“We see a lot of waste of social money for people who experience problems in several areas of life. We bring together knowledge and experience in collaboration with the Access to Law research group in order to learn together and contribute to improving the (social) legal chain.”

Anke Verkade-Bosma Director of the Social Basis Dordrecht and surroundings


We work together with: Juridisch Loket, Vereniging van Mediators in Strafzaken, U Centraal, Stichting Rijnstad, Sociale Dienst Drechtsteden, Vivenz Maatschappelijke Dienstverlening, Privacy First en The Netherlands Institute for Human Rights.

Our professors and researchers

Querine Eijkman | Researcher | Research group Access to Justice

Quirine Eijkman

Professor Access to Justice Show profile

Dorien Claessen

PhD candidate Access to Justice Show profile

Esther van Eijk

Researcher Access to Justice Show profile

Majda Lamkaddem

Associate Professor Access to Justice Show profile

Would you like to collaborate or do you have any questions?

Querine Eijkman | Researcher | Research group Access to Justice

Quirine Eijkman

  • Professor
  • Research group: Access to Justice