Neck and backpain pain are common and often accompanied by mental distress, necessitating a biopsychosocial approach. Our newly developed biopsychosocial intervention, called Back2Action, integrates conventional physiotherapeutic care with online modules specifically aimed at reducing mental distress in individuals with neck and/or back pain.
Through this project, we aim to evaluate Back2Action and explore the optimal way to implement Back2Action in primary care physiotherapy practices to improve care for individuals with back and neck pain.
- This project aims to address various research questions: Evaluation: Assessment of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Back2Action.
- Implementation: Identification of theoretically grounded, supported, and feasible implementation strategies for Back2Action.
01 September 2023 - 31 August 2028
- Evaluation: The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Back2Action are investigated through an RCT.
- Implementation: Utilizing a determinants study, implementation mapping, and focus groups involving all relevant stakeholders, we aim to identify theoretically grounded, supported, and feasible implementation strategies for Back2Action.
HU researchers involved in the research
Collaboration with knowledge partners
For this project we collaborate with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam)
Wendy Scholten-Peeters
Michel Coppieters
Leonore de Wit