Strong functional independance

oude man met fiets

From the age of 60 onwards, peoples physical limitations increase. In neighborhoods in the city of Utrecht, there’s a need to collect data on functional independence to be able to provide personalized advice. The researchers within this project are developing an instrument called “Keuzehulp Fysieke Zelfredzaamheid” (Decision Tool Functional Independence (DST-FI) to help older people (> 65 years old) remain independent.


The Decision Tool for Functional Independence (DST-FI) aims to help individuals over 65 in the Utrecht districts of Leidsche Rijn and Noord-west maintain their functional independence for as long as possible. Additionally, the project seeks to foster collaboration among healthcare professionals in the district and emphasize the role of the physiotherapist.


The research is ongoing. Upon completion, a summary of the results will be made available here. The findings will be published in international scientific journals and presented at international conferences, symposia, and community meetings.


01 January 2018 - 01 January 2025


The project involves the development and practical application of the DST-FI. Measurements will be conducted at different times across various Utrecht districts, with residents and healthcare professionals kept informed about the study's progress and outcomes. The project will be structurally integrated into the educational curriculum, with annual assessments.

HU researchers involved in the research

  • Esther Molenaar
    Esther Molenaar
    • PhD candidate
    • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care
  • Cindy Veenhof portret
    Cindy Veenhof
    • Professor
    • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care
  • Portretfoto Di Janne Barten
    Di-Janne Barten
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care
  • Nienke Bleijenberg PhD | Professor | Research group Chronic Diseases
    Nienke Bleijenberg
    • Professor
    • Research group: Proactive care for older people living at home

Related research groups

Collaboration with knowledge partners

Would you like to collaborate or do you have any questions?

Esther Molenaar

Esther Molenaar

  • PhD candidate
  • Research group: Innovation of Movement Care