
In today's data-centric society, data literacy is not just an asset - it is a necessity. However, research shows a critical gap: many European mathematics teachers lack not only essential statistical knowledge, but also an understanding of students' conceptions and difficulties and how to deal with them. The project addresses this directly through innovative training methods using eye-tracking vignettes.


The project aims to provide mathematics teachers with innovative and effective learning opportunities to diagnose and address students' statistical misinterpretations, as well as to help them overcome their own statistical difficulties, through a research-backed training course using eye-tracking vignettes.


The project will lead to the improved diagnostic accuracy of teachers, enhanced ability to address statistical misinterpretations, and increased awareness of their own statistical challenges through eye-tracking vignettes.


01 September 2023 - 31 August 2026


We are developing a research-based training course using eye-tracking vignettes. This innovative method will enable teachers to effectively diagnose and overcome students' statistical misinterpretations.

HU researchers involved in the research

  • Vuslat Şeker
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Mathematical and analytical competence of professionals
  • Lonneke Boels
    Lonneke Boels
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Mathematical and analytical competence of professionals
  • Rosa Alberto
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Mathematical and analytical competence of professionals


Do you have a question or want to collaborate?

Lonneke Boels

Lonneke Boels

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Mathematical and analytical competence of professionals