Focus on experiences from experts-by-experience

Foto van het lectoraat Werken in Justitieel Kader

In the practice of forensic social work, experts by experience are increasingly being used. Because these experts have similar experiences to those of the clients, they act as role models, providers of hope, and bridge-builders between clients and organizations.


Little is still known about the meaning of their work for experts by experience (as human beings and individuals in recovery), and in what way they want to contribute to forensic social practice. By conducting in-depth interviews with these experts, we aim to provide insight into this.


The result is a publication with portraits of the unique experiences of experts by experience and an overarching analysis of what these experiences teach us about the use of such experts in forensic practice.


01 June 2024 - 01 September 2025


Fifteen experts by experience are interviewed twice. The first interview is conducted using a topic list based on a literature review. The second interview involves in-depth questions that are asked in response to the first interview and the analysis of the first round of interviews.

HU researchers involved in the research

Related research groups

Impact on education

So far, research on experts by experience has mainly focused on their professionalization and the do's and don'ts of their deployment. This research looks from the perspective of experts by experience at the impact they experience on their own development process and the effects they see from their work. This offers tools for designing a forensic social practice that makes the best possible use of experts by experience.


This project is co-financed by Stichting Vrienden van Oldenkotte.

Marie-José Geenen | Researcher | Working with Mandated Clients

Marie-José Geenen

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Working with Mandated Clients