Joined Forces: Strengthen professional behaviour in probation services for addicted offenders

Addiction rehabilitation clients often have multiple problems. In the project Joined Forces, professional action and structured reflection within addiction rehabilitation are central. Using and connecting three sources of knowledge (client needs, professional experiences and scientific knowledge) can strengthen the effectiveness of professional action.


The project aims to investigate what is involved in the implementation of explainable AI. In addition, this project aims to apply for follow-up research to ultimately arrive at an approach and tools for explainable AI.


A practical checklist with checkpoints that must be considered in the implementation of explainable AI linked to the AI lifecycle and a scientific paper with the results of this project.


01 September 2020 - 30 January 2022


The research follows design science research. An artefact is developed from literature research and research into use cases in practice. The artefact in this case is a checklist that supports organizations in implementing explainable AI.


Little research has yet been done into the integration of client needs, experiential knowledge and theoretical knowledge in the professional conduct of probation officers. With this research we explore how integration of these three sources of knowledge can become a structural part of the daily actions of probation officers and how systematic reflection can contribute to this.

Collaboration with knowledge partners

HU researchers involved in the research

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Would you like to collaborate or do you have any questions?

Jacqueline Bosker

  • Professor
  • Research group: Working with Mandated Clients