Moral Compass in Business

In this project, we are developing an SME Guideline Public Dilemma, to support the development and propagation of a social position.


This research project aims to support communication professionals by developing the SME Guideline Public Dilemma. This tool enables them, together with their SME client, to develop and communicate an authentic social standpoint.


We develop a tool that enables SMEs to develop their 'doing good' activities and express a socially responsible point of view in order to participate in the online public debate.


01 December 2023 - 30 November 2025


We are forming a learning environment with industry and umbrella organisations and their SME members, (communication) agencies, knowledge institutions and consumers from joint expertise, within which the tool will be developed.

Relevance of the project

We regard the entire project as a learning environment, in which all consortium partners actively participate in the research and design process from their own expertise. From the start, all relevant knowledge and insights developed, both within and outside the consortium, are shared. Here, the partners play a greater role in dissemination because they themselves have an interest in it. Also, the SME Guideline Public Dilemma will be posted on the research website of Utrecht University of Applied Sciences where the Guideline will be offered as open source. This will enable us to realise that every communication professional in the Netherlands can download the Guideline.

Students from Hogeschool Utrecht and Hogeschool Rotterdam are involved in the implementation of the work package activities through research and graduation projects. Project results will be embedded as case studies in the curriculum of the HU institutes of Communication and Marketing, and the Communication programme at Hogeschool Rotterdam.


This research is co-funded by Regieorgaan SIA part of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)

HU researchers involved in the research

  • Annette Klarenbeek
    • Professor
    • Research group: Social Interaction in Public Spaces
  • Nicolien Montesano Montessori | Associate professor | Value-oriented Professionalisation
    Nicolina Montesano Montessori
    • Senior lecturer
    • Research group: Social Interaction in Public Spaces
  • Anouk Mols
    • Lecturer-researcher
    • Research group: Research group Curriculum Development in Primary and Secondary Education
  • Peter Jonker
    • Lecturer-researcher
    • Research group: Social Interaction in Public Spaces
  • Irene Kelder | Researcher | Research group Behaviour & Conversation in digital transition
    Irene Kelder
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Social Interaction in Public Spaces
  • Inge Blauw
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Social Interaction in Public Spaces
  • Professor Tijs Timmerman
    Tijs Timmerman
    • Professor
    • Research group: Marketing & Customer Experience

"SMEs are product-oriented and try everything, but have no strategy. Many entrepreneurs have an opinion, but don't put it online. When they do want to do so, the question arises: how do you do it? How do people perceive it in a good way?"

Collaboration partners

VNO-NCW; INretail; Manufesta; Issuemakers; Frappant; Beaumont; Logeion; VU, Faculty of Humanities; OBI4wan; Sabel Communicatie; Babbage; RechtdoorZee; Rotterdam University of Applied Science; BR-ND People; Reputatiegroep; VU, School of Business and Economics; Rendiz.

Any questions or want to collaborate?

Inge Blauw

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Social Interaction in Public Spaces
