Drs. Inge Blauw works as a researcher in the research group Social Interaction in Public Spaces. Designing a digital strategy and professionalise (communication) professionals are the starting points of her projects.
Besides, Inge works as a projectleader for the institute Archimedes. Before she was program manager Blended Learning at the Faculty Education en director Contract education at the Centre for Communication and Journalism at the HU. She developed multiple post-hbo programs and coordinated several projects within the area of communication, education and digitalisation. This includes BlendedLab, VR-lab, precursor group ICT in education and the Galjaarddag (Logeion).
Driving force in her work is the connection of expertise. Especially new elements in the area of communication, education and digitalisation.
- Technology within education (VR)
- Professionalisation of (communication)professionals
- Innovation of Education, Blended Learning